Trading Price momentum using Relative Price Strength (RPS) in various Time frames

18 May, 2021 | 20:00 - 22:00

499 599
16% OFF

Harish Kumar

Chartered Accountant (Twitter Handle: @harrie007),

Mr. Harish Kumar trades using the Demand Supply concept along with Bollinger Bands with a purpose of generating better returns and long term growth in Indian equity markets.

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Relative price strength (RPS) also known as Relative Strength is an indicator of price momentum.
By using RPS, a trader/Investor measures the trend of prices of financial assets compared to another instrument/Industry/Sector or in other words, the price momentum of the financial instrument.
By using RPS, one can determine the performance of a stock as compared to other instrument leading to a prudent and wise decision making while buying/selling a stock.
RPS can be used in any time frame i.e. it can be used by long term investors to Intra-day trader as well.


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